Whether you have been storing old bank statements for a long time or just want to get rid of them, you may not know the best way to do so in the State Of New Hampshire. It can be difficult to sort through all of the paperwork you have, but following a few guidelines will help you to determine what documents to keep and what to throw away. Bank statements contain important financial information that you should not lose. You should always check your statements for errors and reconcile your accounts with your monthly deposits and withdrawals. You should then shred any statements that have expired. When you get your monthly statement, check for any discrepancies and mark those items to be destroyed.
Other types of banking documents include ATM receipts and withdrawal slips. You should also keep these for at least 45 days after your monthly deposits and withdrawals. If you use an online account, you may be able to access past bills. If you have a large number of papers, you might consider using a shredder to destroy them. A paper shredder is easy to use and a cheap way to get rid of bank statements. You can also have your statements scanned to create electronic copies and then shred them after you’ve scanned them.
Shred Bank Statements
If you have loans, you should also keep records for as long as you own the item. Some documents to keep for longer than the typical warranty period are medical and insurance records. You should also keep tax returns for at least three years. If you’re unsure whether you need to keep a record for a certain period, you should consult a tax attorney.
Many people do not know how to properly dispose of their paperwork. The best approach is somewhere in the middle. You should sort your documents as you go and then throw out the unnecessary ones. You can also take advantage of the many paper shredders available to safely and securely dispose of your sensitive documents. You should also consider the type of information that is on the documents you’re destroying. Some documents contain information that you would not be able to replace, such as Social Security numbers. When you are destroying a document, you should make sure that you have removed all identifying information before you begin.
You should also be careful to keep any important documents, such as passports and birth certificates. Identity thieves are able to make use of these documents even when they have expired. You should also be careful to keep any information on these documents, such as the date of issue and expiration, in case it’s necessary for you to apply for a new one.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a homeowner, you should keep all of your personal information safe. If you have a mortgage, for example, you should keep your mortgage payments and canceled checks for at least a year. You should also keep other documents for at least five years, such as health insurance records.
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